vozes do minhocão.
2015 /// APRAÇA Collective* (São Paulo, Brasil)
This knowledge journey started with a chair, a camera, and some questions. Anyone could sit down and tell their story about this particular space of São Paulo: the Minhocão—a road viaduct that closes to cars and opens to people on weekends. We heard about 60 stories from multiple people. Their dreams, fears, and hopes inspired the collages of the artist Leticia Rms.
This journey resulted in videos, a zine, an exhibition, visual interventions, workshops, and a mini-doc.

APRAÇA was an art-activist collective formed by me and my dear friend Larissa Molina. It was active between 2015 and 2017. In this period, we idealized, organized, and produced considerable projects discussing different aspects of urban life. APRAÇA led us to discover ourselves as artists, multifaceted researchers, and badass creative producers. During these years, we also have the opportunity to work and create with multiple talented artists/activists and inspiring collectives.