immaterial cities.
2016 /// APRAÇA Collective* (São Paulo, Brasil)
From a double movement—of provocation and reflection—the visual intervention Immaterial Cities call us to imagine (and recognize) multiple possibilities of cities within the same city.
1 poster, 3 points of view.
@ Passagem Literária da Paulista & Parque da Luz (São Paulo, BR)
APRAÇA was an art-activist collective formed by me and my dear friend Larissa Molina. It was active between 2015 and 2017. In this period, we idealized, organized, and produced considerable projects discussing different aspects of urban life. APRAÇA led us to discover ourselves as artists, multifaceted researchers, and badass creative producers. During these years, we also have the opportunity to work and create with multiple talented artists/activists and inspiring collectives.